Winter Fun

Not much riding in November since it’s always a pretty crazy period at work, so there is not much energy for biking once I get home. And weekends are more or less just for recovery from the workweek.
December work slows down significantly so I’ve been getting back on the bike over the last month.

Winter weather has been great so far, and by great I mean more or less no snow at all.
That’s not to say we haven’t had our share of cold days, but I don’t mind the cold too much, plus the bike stays clean when the ground is frozen.
Fortunately, the puncture you see in the picture happened on a day when it was around 0°C – so, manageable conditions to change the tube in. If it had happened on one of those -6°C days on the other hand, I would have been in some pretty deep do-do.

I’ve also added one or two gym days per week. Luckily, there’s a gym in one of the apartment buildings where I live, which is incredibly convenient. It also means that I have no excuses not to drag myself there a couple of times a week (although that hasn’t always stopped me from neglecting the gym for long stretches in the past). But I’m not touching those stationary bikes. Tried doing some workouts on them some winters ago, but I don’t have the mind for it.

This Black Friday I decided to upgrade my one sided Favero Assioma to Dual Power. I’m pretty certain that there is absolutely no reason for me to have dual power and that single sided power is more than enough for my level – didn’t stop me from placing the order anyway when they had the deal.

The plan is to head down to Croatia early in January this year.

I snapped these two webcam screen grabs while looking at the weather conditions in Croatia one morning: the first is from up in the mountains, about 45 minutes from our village, and the second is from right in our village. While I’m not a huge fan of snow and activities in the snow (other than biking), I’m considering heading up to the mountains if there’s snow while I’m down there this winter – maybe even for some skiing if the conditions are good. I think it could be pretty cool to be surrounded by snow while looking down at the Adriatic.

Mannen! 😁